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Total Logistic Solutions, Sea Freight Forwarders, Air Freight Forwarders, Air Freight Agent, Shipping Agency, Shipping Companies, Customs Clearance, Customs Clearance Agent from Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, Linc7

Import Clearance



Under Project Import

Under EPCG (Export Promotion Capital Goods) Scheme


Under Advance License
(All types of Advance Licenses)

Under DEPB License (Duty Exemption Pass Book) Scheme


Under DFRC License (Duty free Replenishment Certificate) Scheme

Of Goods for Public bonded Warehousing


Debonding of Goods From Customs Bonded Ware house (Under Project)

Debonding of Goods from Customs Bonded warehouse under EPCG (Export Promotion Capital Goods) Scheme


Debonding of Goods from Customs Bonded Warehouse under DEEC (Duty Exemption Entitlement Certificate) Scheme

Debonding of Goods from Customs Bonded Warehouse under DEPB (Duty Exemption Passbook) Scheme 


Under Payment of Duty

Under Fast Track / Green Channel


Of Second Hand Machinery (Under Payment of Duty)

Of Second Hand Machinery (Under Project Import)


Of Second Hand Machinery (Under EPCG)

Of Second Hand Machinery from Custom Bonded Ware House



Total Logistic Solutions, Sea Freight Forwarders, Air Freight Forwarders, Air Freight Agent, Shipping Agency, Shipping Companies, Customs Clearance, Customs Clearance Agent from Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, Linc7

Sea Freight Forwarders

Total Logistic Solutions, Sea Freight Forwarders, Air Freight Forwarders, Air Freight Agent, Shipping Agency, Shipping Companies, Customs Clearance, Customs Clearance Agent from Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, Linc7

Air Freight Forwarders

Total Logistic Solutions, Sea Freight Forwarders, Air Freight Forwarders, Air Freight Agent, Shipping Agency, Shipping Companies, Customs Clearance, Customs Clearance Agent from Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, Linc7

       Shipping Company

Total Logistic Solutions, Sea Freight Forwarders, Air Freight Forwarders, Air Freight Agent, Shipping Agency, Shipping Companies, Customs Clearance, Customs Clearance Agent from Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, Linc7

      Shipping Agency